The Taste of Sun by Kim & Léa Roger Abi Zeid Daou

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The Taste of Sun by Kim & Léa Roger Abi Zeid Daou


2023//limited edition 60 copies

Kim Roger Abi Zeid Daou is a storyteller, artist, and PhD candidate at McGill University. At the heart of her stories and art is an exploration of meaning-making, neuroscience, and the dynamic and poetic ways in which we create narratives and experiences. She is the author of You are Memory, and I Archive (Cactus Press, 2023)


Léa Roger Abi Zeid Daou is a PhD candidate, writer, filmmaker, and artist. Her research and practice center on human rights, sustainable development, and environmental care. Her art explores nature, freedom, culture, and meaning-making. Like every body of water, her art makes shape or takes shape depending on how you look at it.

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