Prayer Book for Contemporary Dating by Megan McDermott
Prayer Book for Contemporary Dating by Megan McDermott
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2021//60 copies limited edition
Megan McDermott is a poet and Episcopal priest based in Western Massachusetts. In 2018, she graduated from Yale Divinity School with a Master's of Divinity degree and a certificate from the Institute of Sacred Music, an interdisciplinary program dedicated to religion and the arts. She first studied religion and the arts together as a double major in Creative Writing and Religious Studies at Susquehanna University, in her home state of Pennsylvania. At Susquehanna, she discovered passions for both poetry and preaching.
Her poems have been published in a variety of journals, such as Rust + Moth, Rogue Agent Journal, Neologism Poetry Journal, Sad Girl Review, The Christian Century, The Cresset, Saint Katherine Review, The Windhover, LETTERS, Rock & Sling: A Journal of Witness, Relief: A Journal of Art and Faith, and Amethyst Review. She is also the author of a forthcoming chapbook from Game Over Books and a full-length collection, Jesus Merch: A Catalog in Poems, forthcoming from Fernwood Press.