Look at all the HUrts of these Newly-Broken Lives and the Bittersweet, Sweet, and Bitter Loves
Exodus Oktavia Brownlow
Exodus Oktavia Brownlow is a writer, budding beekeeper, and a rising seamstress currently residing in the enchanting pine tree forest of Blackhawk, Ms. She is a graduate of Mississippi Valley State University with a BA in English, and Mississippi University for Women with an MFA in Creative Writing. Exodus has been published or has forthcoming work with Electric Lit, West Branch, Denver Quarterly, F(r)iction and more. Her writing has been selected for Best MicroFiction [2022 and 2021], and Wigleaf Top 50 [2022]. She is the recipient of the 2022 "The Changing American South" fellowship at the Writers' Colony at Dairy Hollow, and serves as an Associate Editor with Fractured Lit. Her debut collection of essays— “I’m Afraid That I Know Too Much About Myself Now, To Go Back to Who I Knew Before, And Oh Lord, Who Will I Be After I’ve Known All That I Can?”—is set to publish with ELJ Editions in May of 2023. Exodus has perfected the French Seam by hand, and is unequivocally in love with the color green. You can find her at: exodusoktaviabrownlow.com.
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