from Hellraiser
My uncle says
(for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford)
She’s just a day over five but she’s worth $100. He Drags me. The room goes black. Slapped.
My skin falls away from my bones. He cuts
into my righteous body like a long knife stabbing white paper. I don't feel
a thing. I shake then split. From way down here
his mouth looks thick and old as a Bible. He spits
in my ugly little face. I run and run
in place. He don't worry too much
about nothing busting open.
Everything gets beat down in this room but the door.
He says if I try that nonsense again, I’ll never be like them other girls.
Girls with church dresses and red balloons worth as much as love. This is just what it’s like pinned at the waist. Don’t worry about
what happens after,
I’m alive in the next life. I
ain’t it.