Wild Apples: A Flash Memoir Collection With Writing Prompts

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Wild Apples: A Flash Memoir Collection With Writing Prompts


2020//limited edition 60 copies//book designed and handmade by Sara Lefsyk.

Joanna Penn Cooper is a poet, essayist, and fiction writer who is the author of The Itinerant Girl’s Guide to Self-Hypnosis (Brooklyn Arts Press), What Is a Domicile (Noctuary Press), and Crown (Ravenna Press). She is also the author of the chapbook When We Were Fearsome from Ethel. Joanna has taught writing and literature at several colleges, and she currently teaches courses for the Creative Nonfiction Foundation, Meredith College, and her own company, Muse Writing & Creative Support. Her work has appeared in the Academy of American Poets Poem-a-Day feature, as well as South Dakota Review, Zócalo Public Square, Open Letters Monthly, Poetry International, and other journals. She lives in Durham, North Carolina.

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